Sunday, October 25, 2009

Update from Thursday's workout and Today!

So, due to my completely blah day on Weds I did not get my run in.  The set called for "speedwork" 5 mi (inc warm/cool) 2x1600 in 9:36 with 800 jogs.  It was a fun workout that I did on Thursday night.  I felt great throughout, and had no pain in my left heel which is always a plus :)

Today's workout was actually meant for Saturday.  It was 6 miles, long run at a slow pace (11min/mile).  Felt horrible.  Not quite sure why.  And I currently have a huge headache!  I might be dehydrated.  I am also having some pain on the outside of my left knee usually during the first half of my run only.  I'm going to ice this evening and see if that helps.

Ahh off to bed.  Night :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wednesday Slump

Oh wednesday...

The only productive part of today was finishing two (much needed) loads of laundry.  It all began with a late start (10am...woohoo!) and progressively went downhill from there.  Oh well.  It will be a better day tomorrow!

On a totally unrelated note I feel like I have been missing out on new music.  I don't know if it's the radio station I listen to or what, but everything seems to be the same lately.  Then I happened across this band: Mumford and Sons.  Check 'em out here>>>

Off to watch an intramural tennis match :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Still in NC

I woke up at 8am this morning happy that my hotel room door didn't look like this...

That is the hotel room door of the Econolodge that we stayed at Thursday night in SC.  If the picture was any taller you would notice the lack of chain on the door.  It was completely broken off so we decided to "barricade" ourselves in.  I don't really think it would have stopped anyone trying, but it made us feel better.

Back to this morning.  I woke up in a nice warm hotel in Southport, NC ready to complete my 6 mile training run.  I've mentioned before that I'm training for a half-marathon in February of next year.  Training officially began this past monday and has been going well so far.  I'm ready for cooler temps in FL though, training in the heat does not agree with me.

So this guy came into the "hotel gym" (more like a closet with one treadmill, stationary bike and elliptical machine) about 18 min into my workout.  Mind you I was running 6 miles, slowly as an endurance training run, and it was going to take me over an hr.  Well he fiddled around with his ipod, tied his shoes, and stretched for about 10 min.  I began to get the idea that he wanted to use the treadmill.  Sorry, dude.  After 4 miles in I paused to get a drink and pick up my towel that had fallen.  He got all excited and jumped off the elliptical only to have me say "oh sorry, I have another 2 miles to go".  Eventually the poor guy just got bored and gave up.

Oh well, at least I got my run in right???  


Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Welcome!  I've been a follower on numerous blogs for such a long time that I've decided to start my own.  I'm not sure how this will play out, but at the very least it will allow me to comment on others blogs :)

I am a 22 year old college grad who is on the path to Physician Assistant school.  I've been working and taking pre-req classes since I graduated in Summer '08.  I will be attending PA school beginning next summer.  Can't wait!

Until then I am working, saving money (sort of) and having a good time!  A wonderful friend and I have decided to train for a half marathon.  In addition to sprint and oly triathlons I have completed in the past, this will be my first "true" distance running event.  I have competed in local 5 and 10ks in my hometown.  I'm looking forward to it!

I hope to travel more before I begin school in the summer.  I am contemplating visits to Bremen, Germany where my cousin is staying and France where one of my best friends is working as an au pair.  I would love to make both trips a reality!

I hope to continue this blog through PA school to give others an idea of the path I took and also how to apply/attend/interview etc if there are people interested.

I think that's all for now.